Its very important to identify your assumptions because they can come back and kick you, whether that be in the office or in your personal life. Let me explain …

We often create a RAID log when working on major projects.
RAID is an acronym for Risks, Assumptions, Issues and Dependencies.

Let’s talk in general about A for assumptions…

Its true that without full knowledge, you have to start with assumptions. But then through analysis, you really should aim to prove or disprove the assumptions and establish the facts.

More often than not, an assumption turns out to be very wrong and can severely destroy the credibility of the project and the team if ignored.

Its not just within projects, where we make assumptions – we also make use of assumptions outside of work too, don’t we?

* We assume something will happen – and then it does not.

* We assume something is inconsequential and then it blows up into a major problem.

* We assume that people will behave in a particular way – and then they don’t.

… and then we’re surprised when things don’t work out as we thought they should do.

Sometimes the fallout or consequences can be very bad indeed.

Some assumptions lead to arguments.

Some assumptions lead to financial losses (we’ve seen plenty of those within the banking industry).

Some assumptions lead to loss of life.

Damage can result – people can get hurt – badly.

That’s when we feel like a fool.

Always ask yourself “what ASSumptions am I making here?”
– and be deliberate about emphasising and avoiding being an ASS.

Did you ever make a big ASSumption in your life which turned out to be untrue?
What were the consequences?

(image courtesy of Aurelien Guichard from flickr)